The Mission Statement of the St. Pius X Ladies Society
The Mission of the St. Pius X Ladies Society is to provide an atmosphere of unity for all parish women so that each one may feel welcome and encouraged to nurture our parish motto, “Love One Another.” We offer fellowship, prayer, and gifts of our time, talents, and treasures to strive to fulfill our objectives:
1. To encourage the personal sanctification of our members dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus under the patronage of St. Pius X.
2. To encourage devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary among its members and to look to Our
Lady as the definitive role model for Catholic womanhood.
3. To serve as a unifying agency for all parish activities associated with the women of the parish.
4. To have authorized representation in Diocesan, State, and National Affairs and
5. To promote a program of Catholic action.
Establishment and Structure
The St. Pius X Ladies Society was started in 1954 and is vital to our parish family. The Ladies Society is affiliated with the Dallas Deanery of Catholic Women and the National Council of Catholic Women.
Our adult ladies, eighteen and older, may join a Circle, a small neighborhood group of women with common goals. Each Circle elects a hostess and Co-Hostess responsible for notifying Circle members of coming events, our monthly charities, and, in general, being the contact persons for Circle members. The Circles meet once a month in a member’s home.
To learn more about the Ladies Society, please contact:
Pat Peavy
(214) 794-8900